Why we exist

In a wealthy country such as Australia, everyone should be able to afford a place to live.

Housing is fundamental to a thriving society and to our wellbeing. The current unaffordability of housing in Australia is unjust and unacceptable. And fixable.

We are working towards market reform to improve housing affordability for all.

Fundamental need

Secure housing meets a fundamental human need, for shelter, safety and stability. It is essential to individual and community wellbeing, and economic prosperity.

Failed policies

Housing policies at the national, state and local levels fail to provide reasonable pathways to housing. They are also contributing to unaffordability and inequality.

Changing the conversation

We want to renew the community narrative around housing and housing market reform to improve housing affordability and enhance the wellbeing of all Australians.

A multi-faceted problem.

There are many factors behind our current housing affordability crisis.

Wealth vs shelter

Housing is both shelter and asset. These aspects must be held in balance. Unfortunately, over recent decades we have allowed ‘asset’ to overshadow

Increasing inequity

Increased property-based wealth has come at a cost for non-homeowners: less access to housing, less disposable income, and no share in property-based wealth

Conflict of interest

As a nation, we have a conflict of interest: improving housing affordability comes at a cost to our property-based wealth.

Change is possible.

We seek to rebalance how we think about housing as a nation so that ‘shelter’ and ‘asset’ are held more equally.

Addressing systemic problems takes many people working together. Together we can understand and solve housing affordability.